Natalie is a food and travel lover based in Sydney. She loves exploring foreign places, sampling exotic cuisines and documenting her journeys through photography.
What's your job title & how did you get where you are today?
I'm actually a full-time pharmacist and only do photography and content creation as a side hustle. I started off posting on Instagram purely for fun and brands/ agencies just started to approach me to create content for them. I have been very grateful for the crazy opportunities that have brought me over the years!
Tell us about a day at work you'll never forget!
I assume by work you mean my side job! It will probably be the day I got asked by Apple to capture photos for a photo walk they did, coincidentally it was hosted by a friend of mine. I had so much fun on the day I couldn't believe I got to call that work! Plus Apple is a brand that I've been personally using for years so it was just very cool to think that, wow, they could have picked anyone for the job but they picked me because they liked my work.
What's your advice about growing a brand or a personal brand?
Be authentic. Develop your own style and be proud of it. Networking is also very important - be social (both in-person and on social media). Another thing I've found to be helpful is to collaborate with other creators!
“Don’t be afraid to ask for what you think is fair. ”
How do you prepare for negotiation conversations?
Know your own worth. Don't settle for anything less than what you think your work is worth, but don't be greedy. If a brand values your work, they will be more than happy to work with your price. If it doesn't work out, stay professional and just move on.
Did you ever agree to something in a negotiation you now regret doing?
Probably when I was starting out! I used to agree to create content for free in exchange for products that weren't worth much or I didn't care for. I now know that my time and my work is worth more than a free watch. I still work "for free" now sometimes but only if it's a brand I really want to work with, if what's on offer is a cool experience (eg. travel) or if I think I will learn something from the job.
What one tip would you tell your younger self about negotiating?
Don't be afraid to ask for what you think is fair. The worst that could happen is that they say no.