How to Reinvent Your Career

At PepTalkHer, we’re on a mission to empower YOU to know your worth and understand your value in the workplace. And what better way to start than asking our favorite women in business?

We sat down with Georgie Lewis, the TV presenter, and journalist.

I worked with Georgie back when I was a journalist (in my former life!) Starting in a television newsroom is SCARY (it was for me anyway!) When I first started out, I loved people and stories but honestly the world of TV was a mystery to me - I was a tomboy & didn’t know how to do my hair or makeup. I was frankly intimidated by the journalists in the newsroom. Luckily for me, Georige was one of several people who took me under their wing.

She’s one of the most resilient and kind women I know. I’m SO delighted to bring you her words of wisdom today.

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Meggie: Georgie, so excited to chat with you today. We go WAY back, scarily, 16+ years which makes me feel SUPER old! For people reading who may not be as familiar with your work - how would you describe yourself in one sentence?

Georgie: I’m a former television newsreader reinventing my career at 46.

Meggie: And how did you get to where you are today?

Georgie: I did the hard yards as a young journalist, worked in the regions before landing a metro job in Brisbane, Australia in 1999.

My career progressed to the full-time anchor of a statewide 5 pm news bulletin at Network 10. I was made redundant after 21 years with the station in 2020. Now is a time of reinvention for me - Diversifying my skill set and tackling new challenges.

Now is a time of reinvention for me - Diversifying my skill set and tackling new challenges.
— Georgie Lewis

Meggie: What an amazing career! Can you tell us about a day at work you'll never forget?

Georgie: The 2011 Brisbane floods. No one could predict the enormity of this weather event nor the death and destruction that would follow.

Meggie: You have a huge presence in Australia, especially in Queensland. What’s your advice on growing a personal brand?

Georgie: Know your worth. Believe in yourself and be the best promoter of your abilities - let’s face it no one knows you better than yourself!

Meggie: Speaking of promoting your abilities, how do you prepare for negotiation conversations around salary and promotions?

Georgie: I’ll say it again - know your worth. Be very clear on what you can offer, prove how you can bring growth or change to an organization, and know your skillset so you can sell yourself. Always bring other negotiable options to the table.

Georgie Lewis and Meggie Palmer back in their Channel Ten journalism days

Georgie Lewis and Meggie Palmer back in their Channel Ten journalism days

Meggie: Who taught you the most about knowing your value in the workplace? We'd love to know their advice too!

Georgie: My former boss. She always encouraged self-belief, knowing your worth, and building on your strengths and weaknesses. Watching her nurture young journalists to give them the confidence to be the best they could be was inspiring.

Be very clear on what you can offer, prove how you can bring growth or change to an organisation and know your skill set so you can sell yourself.
— Georgie Lewis

Meggie: It’s incredible the impact one boss can have on your career right? I feel the same way about some of the amazing female bosses I had throughout my career (one of whom we both worked under!) Finally, are you reading or listening to anything at the moment?

georgie lewis

Georgie: I’ve been reading The Mindful Day by Laurie J. Cameron. And listening to Claiming your Confidence podcast. It’s great!

Meggie: Georgie, you’re an absolute gem thank you so much for chatting with us today!

Georgie’s advice on knowing your worth rings true for me and is a huge part of our ethos at PepTalkHer. Make sure you check Georgie out on Instagram at @georginamlewis.

If you’d like to know your worth, can I suggest joining our next Free 5 Day Career Challenge. The deal is, we spend 5 days together, working to supercharge your career success. It’s a 5 minute challenge a day plus a free live coaching call daily for you to join. You’ll have tactics you can put in place easily to move the needle on your career plans for the rest of the year (how is this year already half over?!) Sign up here!