Let Them Flinch First: Megan McWilliams


Digital Media Diva


How do you describe yourself in one sentence?

“Recovering magazine publisher/editor gone mad for digital media production.”

What's your job title & how did you get there?

“Executive Producer/Founder of The Green Divas media brand. Got here via the road less travelled.”

What's the best piece of advice you've received re negotiating your salary & benefits?

“Always try to let them start the negotiation, and LET THEM FLINCH FIRST.”

Do you ever talk about your salary with coworkers? Why or why not?

“Nope. Not Necessary”.

How do you prepare for pay rise, promotion or tough negotiation conversations? We'd love to hear all your hacks & top tips!

“KNOW YOUR WORTH. I mean do the research AND be honest with yourself, then when you are clear, embed it in your brain and be as fearless as possible”

What would you tell your younger self about negotiating your first salary?

You are so much better than that!

Did you ever agree to something in a negotiation you now regret doing?

YES! at this point, primarily with clients. It still happens, I WANT the gig, so I ratchet back my prices, anticipating their response to imaginary things (usually). When they come back immediately like, "Wow, great price, we're in!" No haggling or winging at all -- I know I've once again, screwed myself.

Instgram: @greendivameg & @thegreendivas
