New Intern: Onboarding

Module 1: Welcome to PepTalkHer! 

“Hello and Welcome to PepTalkHer! We are so glad to add you to our team as an intern! Over the course of these training modules, you will learn everything you need to know to succeed in your new role and will learn more about PepTalkHer as a company. Without further ado, here is a quick introduction to your onboarding experience, featuring Declan, a former PepTalkHer intern!” 

  • Intro Video by Declan outlining what to expect over the course of the onboarding/training process

    • Welcome new interns

    • Brief discussion of my time as a PepTalkHer intern/ why it was valuable 

      • Great team, international comm experience, support, new skills, networking, etc.

    • Expected time commitment  for completion of  training

    • Overview/breakdown of modules

  • Welcome Video from Meggie 

    • Brief welcome video by Meggie, quick overview of her background/role + Any other info she wants to include about PepTalkHer/working here 

Module 2: PepTalkHer - Who We Are, What We Do, & How We Do It 

“Now that you know what to expect from this training, it’s time to get into our first module, ‘PepTalkHer - Who We Are, What We Do, and How We Do It’.  PepTalkHer is a start-up company dedicated to closing the gender pay gap. In this module, we’ll learn more about how we do that!” 

  • PepTalkHer Overview: Who we are, what we do 

    • Mission Statement, Overview of Company

    • Discussion of the course, challenges, etc. 

    • Discussion of PepTalkHer App

    • Where we are based (International, but focus on U.S. and Australia 

“It is now time to discuss logistics, a.k.a. How We Do It. As an intern, you will be submitting any work you have completed to Meggie and Grace to get their approval on it and to seek out any feedback they may have.”

“Additionally, a lot of the work you will be doing will require you to have access to the PepTalkHer Team accounts on various websites, whether it be our team email or our login for various online programs. If you are ever assigned a task where you need access to an account that you have not yet been given the login information for, you can reach out to Kim, our team’s Chief Organization Guru, who can hook you up with login credentials.”

“In our virtual workspace, we use a communication platform known as Slack for the majority of our communication. More info about Slack is to come in later modules. In addition to Slack, we also conduct some communication via email. Listed Below are the names of our current team members, along with their titles and email addresses:

“Before moving on to Module 3, we encourage you to visit and take a few minutes to explore the website and to familiarize yourself with Who We Are, What We Do, And How We Do It.”

Module 3: Your Role (As a PepTalkHer Intern) 

“Welcome back! Now that we know more about PepTalkHer as a whole, let’s focus on your role as a Content and Partnerships Intern. In your role, your main tasks can be split up roughly into two key categories: Those relating to Content, and those relating to Partnerships. In this module, we will break down some of the types of tasks you can expect to encounter during your internship.”

  • Content: 

    • Creating/editing blog posts, Creating designs in Canva, Helping w/ miscellaneous tasks 

    • Creating lists of articles, hashtags, and quotes for use on socials/ in the app

  • Partnerships: 

    • Creating lists of People to reach out to (Google Sheets)

    • Using templates to personalize outreach messages to potential affiliates 

    • Emailing/DMing affiliates about collabs

    • Checking/responding to DMs on Instagram 

“While these are the types of tasks that you are likely to encounter during your internship, they are not the only things you may have the opportunity to work on. Meggie and the PepTalkHer team take the time to get to know their team members (Yes, that includes you!), and can assign tasks that align with your strengths and areas of interest!”

Module 4: Working Virtually and Internationally

“I don’t know about you, but when I (Declan) first started my internship with PepTalkHer, I did not have much  previous experience working as part of a virtual team or with working with team members located all across the globe. Because of this, I thought I’d include a quick video introducing you to some of the biggest perks and potential challenges that come with working virtually and internationally, and how you can be best prepared to succeed in this type of setting.” 

[Brief video by Declan addressing the perks and challenges of working virtually and internationally]

  • Potential Challenges: 

    • Time zone differences/ different work schedules of team members

    • Time Management/ Keeping Organized 

  • Perks of Virtual Work:

    • Very customizable schedule, creates lots of flexibility

    • Provides an opportunity to be a self-starter

    • Meet tons of people you otherwise would not likely have met

  • Discussion of Cultural Competence (ethno-relativism) 

“Depending on your previous work experience, the structure or way the team does things may be new or different to you. Try to be open minded and to allow yourself to adapt.”

To help you check time zones and to calculate the differences between them, here is a link to a time zone calculator that includes the time zones of our team members.

Module 5: Tech Basics - How to Navigate the World of Working Online

“As a member of a remote team, there are certain websites and programs that can help us to connect and to communicate with the rest of our team. In this module, we will be learning about some of the key communication and other work related programs that we use here at PepTalkHer. Featured below are some instructional videos that will guide you through the basics of how to use a variety of programs, including Slack,, Canva, and more! Let’s take a Look!” 

[Loom Video on Slack/how to use it] + General Slack Tutorial Video 

[Loom Video on]

[Loom Video on Canva]

[Loom Video on SquareSpace] 

[Loom Video on Google Drive]

[Loom Video on Type Form] 

“While you are going to be using programs like Slack and very frequently throughout the whole duration of your internship, some of the other programs might be used less often or later on in your time here. Because of this, all of the above videos will be available to you throughout your time here so you can revisit them whenever!” 

Module 6: Training Wrap Up & Internship Pro-tips

“Congrats! You’ve made it through your onboarding and training and are now ready to work alongside the rest of the PepTalkHer team. We are lucky to add you to the team and can’t wait to see all of the wonderful ways you contribute! 

Before you go off to start killin’ it as an intern, here’s one last video with some pro-tips to keep in mind throughout your time here. Welcome to the PepTalkHer Team!”

[Insert Farewell/internship pro-tips video, narrated by Declan] 


New Intern - Core Task Tutorials 

“Now that you have completed the new intern training and onboarding process and have accessed all of the resources and videos associated with that, you are now ready to begin your work as a PepTalkHer intern. “

The following Modules aim to provide you with some additional guidance on how to complete some core tasks that you are likely to encounter during your internship. While the onboarding/training course had a more general focus on your role as a whole, the four brief modules featured here are meant to provide guidance on how to complete specific tasks you will engage with. This mini-training program contains four modules, each focused on a specific task. Those modules are outlined below:

Module 1: Influencer Research and Outreach

“In this Module, you will watch the included video that will teach you about the different steps in the Influencer research and outreach process. This is a core activity that you will likely engage with in various different iterations throughout the course of our internship.

[Loom Video on Influencer Research and Outreach]

“As you can see from the above video, this task consists of two key stages, (1) Research and (2) Outreach. Be sure to get supervisor approval on the potential affiliates/accounts you have selected through the research stage before moving on to the outreach stage, and to keep your supervisor updated on your progress with this task, as it may be spread out over more than one day.” 

Module 2: Article Research

“The next task that we will learn about is Article research. Please watch the following video to learn more about this task.

[Loom Video on conducting Article Research

Module 3: Quote Research

“Now that we’ve covered article research, we will move onto our next core task, quote research. There is a feature in the PepTalkHer app where users receive motivation and feminism related quotes via notifications. The purpose of this task is to compile lists of quotes that could be used in the App. Watch this video to see how to go about compiling quote lists:”

[Loom Video on Quote List Research]

“When selecting quotes, keep in mind that they should be uplifting in nature and should relate to the values of PepTalkHer. Additionally, remember that all quote selections should be 120 characters or less.” 

Module 4: Hashtag Research

“In this module, you will learn how to populate lists of trending, but niche hashtags that could be used on PepTalkHer social media posts. In this video, you will learn how to assess what hashtags fit the specified criteria, and what information is relevant to include in spreadsheet entries.”

[Loom Video on Hashtag Research